Hello there! My name is Abby and I am the mom behind Mother of Sweatpants. I am a mom to a sweet, strong willed toddler boy, and wife to my best friend in the world. I stay comfy in my attire more often than not because toddler-rearing is an extreme sport.
I started this blog in the hopes that sharing my trials and triumphs will resonate with like-minded mamas. I believe in cultivating a peaceful home and treating our children’s souls with gentleness and respect. I believe that our children are far more capable than we realize. I believe in balance and in the profound power of self-awareness (and caffeine).
Motherhood is undoubtedly a gift in this life, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t require a keen set of survival skills. I’m here to talk about what works for our family, what doesn’t work, and all moments of motherhood in between. I am here to both celebrate and commiserate with you!
So, let’s talk about anxiety, birthday party themes, finding yourself after becoming a mom, summer barbeques, cute baby outfits, breastfeeding struggles, iced coffee, funny things toddlers say, relationships, tantrums, fun family outings, how to get by on no sleep, the importance of mom friendships, home organization, and whatever YOU want to talk about!